
Saturday, April 26, 2014

What makes you happy?


What makes you happy? I know what makes me happy, making other people feel happy. Did you know it is actually HEALTHY to be happy? What have you ever done to make someone else happy?

Here are some ways to make your friends and family happy!

  • Bake cookies to give to a friend or family
  • Clean your room! I think everyone will appreciate a clean room!
  • Go with the flow! If you are cooperative, it will make everything smooth, and everybody, ok, you guessed it! Happy!

How to (easily) knit fingerless gloves

What you need:

  • A rather big ball of yarn
  • knitting needles
  • Ability to knit

What to do:

Knit a square. If you are making gloves for a toddler try a 10-10 square, pre-teen: 20-20, and if you are doing an adult or teen, try 35-35. When you are finished, hand sew the side of the square with a tapestry needle. Remember to sew so there is a hole for your thumb. I am sorry I could not be more specific, I will post an instructional video as soon as I can!:)   
              (FINISHED PRODUCT)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

An interesting snack...

It might sound strange but a delicious treat is nutella mixed with smooth peanut butter on toast.
The nutella mixed with peanut butter tastes like a peanut butter cup! yum!




Ways to show your happy feelings

Sometimes people feel so happy. Maybe they got some good news or you just won a raffle. When something good, or exiting, or crazy happens or is about to happen you feel something called adrenaline. adrenaline make you feel happy and exited. When you feel happy and you just want to let it out, here are some ways to do that.

1. Draw  Drawing is a great way to express your feelings.

2. Do Yoga Yoga is a great way to be happy and relaxed. 

3. Bake Something! Find a cookbook with a simple cookie recipe and bake some cookies to share with your friends and family! Baking always make me feel great! A way to express your feelings through baking is adding my own ingredients! Maybe instead of just chocolate chips, you could add some dried cranberries, or maybe crushed walnuts! experiment                

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to make a handy-dandy box out of perler beads!


  • PERLER BEADS(Some people call them fuze beads)
  • IRON

step 1: Using the perler bead base, put the beads onto the bead base, like in the picture.

Step 2: iron the perler beads, put the wax paper over the perler beads before you iron, if you do not put the wax paper on the beads, they will stick to and completely ruin your iron.

Step 3: repeat steps 1&2 4 more times

Step 4: snap all 5 pieces of perler beads together. You are done! Have fun with your perler bead box!

REMEMBER: Yes, I have made this box. It works great! It is a handy and colorful organizer, but it is fragile. i once dropped my perler bead box, it somewhat broke,and hot glue works in a pinch for glueing small pieces together.  


Do YOU have any ideas for art projects i should post? If you do, please leave a comment!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Sweet 'n tangy lemonade recipe
makes 4 servings
what you need:

  • 2 1/2 cups water
  • 3 lemons
  • fruit juicer
  • 1 cup sugar
  • spoon 
  • mixing bowl

what to do:

Pour the 2 1/2 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar into the mixing bowl, mix. juice the three lemons with the fruit juicer, pour lemon juice into mixing bowl, mix. Your done!

SPLATTER ART! instructional video

The ups of journaling: Part 2

Journals come in all shapes and sizes

When most people think of journals they think of big notebooks with blank pages ready and waiting to be filled with writing and drawing. Even I think of journals being that way, but journals come in all shapes and sizes. Some people have binders with page protecters and pockets to store special objects, some journals are video diaries, some are even on tape! There are different kinds of journals so different people can express their thoughts in different ways.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The ups of journaling

Journaling is a good way to get your feelings out. It is sometimes nice to tell all of your frustrations to your best friend, favorite stuffed animal, or maybe even your dog.  Even though Dogs or Stuffed animals can't go to a person who you have yucky feelings at and tell them all about the yucky feelings you feel towards them, a person can. You should be careful about who you tell your feelings too. That doesn't mean you can't explain your personal feelings to your friends, it just means be careful and be aware. Journals are good to keep because when you have a feeling that you half want to keep a secret and half tell all your friends it is good to write it down, and then read what you wrote to yourself. Journaling is not just writing paragraph after paragraph, even though sometimes that is nice, you can do anything in your journal! Poetry, drawings, newspaper clippings, paintings, and much, much more!

REMEMBER: you probably don't want just anyone to find, let alone read your journal (I mean, your journal is a place for your personal thoughts!) so make sure your journal is safe! Be careful, Be aware, and most importantly, let your thoughts out, and have fun!

create amazing SPLATTER ART!!

         what you need:
  • salad mixer
  • washable paint
  • small paper plates 
         what to do:  
Open the salad mixer and place the small paper plate inside. Make sure the paper plate is even. 
pour a reasonable amount of washable paint onto the paper plate. Put the lid back on the salad mixer and mix the contents. When you finish mixing, take out the paper plate and let dry. CONGRATS! You are done!


For hundreds of years people have been customizing things. The native men of Massachusetts tribes, such as the Wampanoag, customized belts. These belts are called Wampum belts. Wampum belts tell stories of the tribe's history. Did you know that people customize things without even knowing it?
 Most people have a signature and a signature is a custom version of how one writes their name.